Earlier this year, a fire broke out on the roof of Bedford Heights Conference Centre in Bedford. Despite there being no structural issues as a result of the blaze, a roof overlay was required to resolve the fire damage and waterproof and re-insulate the area.

PermaRoof Commercial was first approached by Simon Watkinson of Halo Energy Ltd after reaching out to a local roofing contractor, who in turn approached PermaRoof Commercial who recommended Cornford Roofing and Firestone Building Products RubberGard EPDM.

The tight turnaround was essential given that the fire damage had exposed the building to water ingress, which over time could start to damage the internal parts of the building. Logistically, every day that the building was not in use, due to waiting for repairs, also cost Bedford Heights Conference Centre time and money.

Sunny Lotay, National commercial manager at PermaRoof Commercial, said: “When a building suffers fire damage, the pressure is on to swiftly ensure that the area is secure and watertight as, if left, further problems such as water ingress and damp could occur, adding to the cost of the roofing and whole building repairs over time. Therefore, when Simon Watkinson from Halo Energy Ltd got in touch to explain about the damage caused by the fire, it was evident that we needed to act quicky. Our team went above and beyond to overcome all the obstacles presented as quickly as possible to provide peace of mind to the client.”

Over a five-day installation period, approximately 100m2 of RubberGard EPDM and PIR insulation boards were specified and interfaced onto the existing TPO single ply membrane, with walkway pads installed for future maintenance.

Simon Watkinson, director at Halo Energy Ltd, said: “When the original contractor let us down, PermaRoof Commercial and Sunny Lotay were recommended by my local roofing company when they realised they didn’t have the license necessary to make the repairs needed. I spoke to Sunny at PermaRoof who recommended Cornford Roofing and made sure that, between them, the job was completed in record time”.

PermaRoof Commercial, Cornford Roofing and Firestone made sure the job was done to the highest possible standard, particularly given the tight turnaround the team were presented with.

Tom Marsh, of Cornford Roofing, said: “It’s been a pleasure working with the PermaRoof Commercial and Firestone Building Products teams. They both provided full design support and assistance from the moment we were assigned to the project, which made creating the correct design easy and negated any interface issues we may have otherwise encountered on-site, making for a smooth and successful installation.”

Since launching earlier this year, PermaRoof Commercial has successfully secured or completed more than 20 tenders and specifications on a whole host of different projects across the UK. A further 37 projects have so far been forecasted for the remainder of 2021.

Simon added: “Sunny and Permaroof Commercial were amazing and I would have no hesitation in either contacting Sunny, or recommending him to anyone, family, friend or colleagues.”

Sunny added: “I’m incredibly proud of the strong list of tenders and contacts secured by PermaRoof Commercial. Our customer base is continually expanding and some of these clients – such as Tom at Cornford Roofing – we’re already planning our next collaborative projects with. I can’t wait to see where the final quarter of 2021 takes us.”

For more information on PermaRoof Commercial, please visit or call 01773 608839.

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