Pet Ashes, Betamax & A Taxidermy Beaver: Shocking Items British Landlords Have Found After Tenants Departure @hillarysblinds

Pet Ashes, Betamax & A Taxidermy Beaver: Shocking Items British Landlords Have Found After Tenants Departure @hillarysblinds

Research has revealed some of the most unusual items discovered by British landlords following the vacation of tenants, with 89% of individuals polled stating that tenants ‘always’ leave something unwanted behind. The results of the survey uncovered the objects or sights that landlords have discovered, including an urn of pet ashes, a collection of Betamax cassettes and a taxidermy beaver.


British landlords’ claim that the majority of their ex-tenants have left unsavoury items behind after moving out, according to a brand new study, with over half claiming that tenants had left rooms with obvious damage, and 72% stating their properties had been left in an unhygienic or dirty state.


The survey was carried out by interiors specialist as part of ongoing research into the habits of Britons when it comes to property maintenance. A total of 2,843 British landlords were polled by researchers, all of whom had been letting out at least one property for the past three years to private renters.


First of all, respondents were asked, “How often do tenants leave items behind in your property?” to which 89% stated ex-tenants ‘always’ leave something behind after vacating the premises.


Researchers asked those taking part “Have any ex-tenants ever left any part of your property damaged upon departure?” with more than half of landlords, 57%, stating this had occurred in the past. Respondents were then asked “Have any previous tenants left your property in an unhygienic or dirty state?” with almost three quarters, 72%, confessing this had happened at least once in the past.


Next, landlords were asked by researchers to disclose the ‘weirdest or most disgusting’ items or sights they’d witnessed in one of their properties after an ex-tenant had moved out. Below are some of the most bizarre answers provided by respondents:


  • An urn full of pet ashes
  • A collection of Betamax cassettes in the garden shed
  • A taxidermy beaver
  • 16 iPhone 4 boxes but no handsets
  • A collection of ‘classic car’ magazines hidden behind the toilet
  • A cupboard full of tinned food that expired in 1994
  • A window-sill containing more than 50 types of cactus plants
  • A jewellery box full of human nail clippings


Next landlords were asked if they’d ever had to pay for a professional clean after one of their tenants had moved out, to which 59% stated they had.


Finally participants were asked “Have you ever been put off allowing others to rent your home due to a bad tenant?” to which 32% stated they had.


Tara Hall, spokesperson for, said:


“People are always talking about how much money landlords must make from their tenants, but they forget about the headaches and trials some tenants will put their landlords through after leaving!”

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