Eitan Eldar: “The UK real estate market is going to soar Post-Brexit”

Eitan Eldar: “The UK real estate market is going to soar Post-Brexit”

The housing prices in the UK have soared and have set a record for the fastest rate of growth. This has all been achieved in just the last month. This is attributed to the boost in confidence and a good perspective on the housing market following the general election.

A 2.3% jump in the average price of new to the market prices have been seen. In 2002 the property website started its house pricing index. This 2.3% jump for this particular time signifies the biggest jump since the tracking began in 2002. The average asking price per property was £306,810. Over the month the market saw almost 65,000 listings.

Ceo & Founder of EEH Ventures has stated that even though England has gone through long and economic turbulence, this new trend of improvement is going to continue. He went on to say. “The UK markets are waking up,” said Eldar, “This is happening because of the outcome of the elections and because Brexit finally became a reality”.

Part of the Credit Goes to the Election Outcome

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