5 Reasons to Repair Your Windows Instead of Replacement

5 Reasons to Repair Your Windows Instead of Replacement

If you happen to be a resident of the United Kingdom, you would be aware that box sash windows are one of the most important parts of the Victorian era that make the houses look elegant even today after centuries. However, homeowners often find themselves in quite a bit of difficulty. That is, whether they should be repairing their broken box sash windows or just replacing them? The answer is always repairing first! Here’s why.

Repair Rather Than Replace

1.    Saves Money

When we talk about the repair of box sash windows, it does take some finances to get them back in their original glory, but it isn’t very expensive. On the other hand, replacing box sash windows can take up to hundreds and hundreds of dollars and leave a hole in your bank account. What’s more, once the repair gets completed, there’s also paint, etc., to look at, which could cost you even more. To save all of this, the repair is the way to go.

2.    Keeps Authenticity Intact

Box sash windows have been a valuable part of Victorian-era architecture, and it carries a certain level of charm and authenticity. Replacing your old box sash windows will leave your bouse devoid of that charm and authenticity as you will be putting in newer materials giving it a new look. At Box Sash Repair Company, we promise to repair all those windows for you that others might have deemed beyond repair.

3.    Takes Less Time

This is a very basic reason why you should opt for repair rather than replacement. When you get entire replacements carried out on your windows, it can easily take a couple of days to come to completion. However, the repair for box sash windows will hardly take you a day or even a couple of hours if you get it done by our experts at the Box Sash Repair Company.

4.    Increases Value

As mentioned above, box sash windows are a feature of Victorian-era architecture, and many homeowners and realtors in the UK are aware of this little fact. As a result, when it comes to the sale of a house, homeowners and realtors take special time to analyze whether the windows have their ancient magic or not. Those that have been replaced can also be lowered in value at the time of sale since their credibility has been reduced.

5.    Sustainable

Lastly, it is always a sustainable decision to repair your house rather than replace them. When it comes to replacement, many newer resources are brought in to put in [place of the old and broken stuff. However, the repair usually revolves around keeping the old base the same and ensuring that the functionality and aesthetics are returned to their original glory. By repairing, you will also be doing a favour to the earth and one to your home.

And there you have it! Replacing box sash windows is a solution often suggested by contractors to take the easy way out. At Box Sash Repair Company, we have a high focus on repairing rather than replacing to save the authenticity of your home, your time, and your money as well!

Contact Us

Are you interested in whipping your windows back in shape with our help? Give us a call at 07415 390160 or email us at [email protected], and we can get the process started.

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