Is the Green Belt fit for the 21st Century?

London, like most global cities, is facing a steady increase in population size. The question which divides the business community, environmentalists and planners is how can we provide enough living space without compromising on quality of life?

While the London Plan offers certainty for the future of the Green Belt, it remains under pressure from speculative land banking and degradation through a lack of positive management. It must do more as an asset for Londoners than simply preventing urban sprawl.
The London Assembly Planning Committee is hosting a gathering of experts and academics at City Hall on Thursday 16 February to discuss a new value proposition for the Metropolitan Green Belt.

Questions will include:

  • What’s the function of a 21st Century Green Belt?
  • How we can enhance its value?
  • What lessons can we learn from other countries where similar issues are faced?


Location: London’s Living Room
Date and time: 9:30am – 4:00pm, Thursday 16 February
Address: City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, More London, London, SE1 2AA
Experts available for interview include:


  • Nicky Gavron AM, Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee
  • Shirley Rodrigues, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy
  • Professor Dieter Helm, Official Fellow in Economics at New College, University of   Oxford and Chair, Natural Capital Committee
  • David Stanners, Head of Partnerships and Networks (PAN) at the European     Environment Agency (EEA)
  • Baroness Barbara Young, Ex-CEO, Environment Agency
  • Noel Farrer, Immediate Past President of the Landscape Institute, Landscape Architect and Urban Designer
  • Janet Askew, Past President of Royal Town Planning Institute

Closest Stations: London Bridge or Tower Hill


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