Celebrating 20 years at Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa

Celebrating 20 years at Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa

Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa has recognised the hard work and ongoing commitment of its longest serving employee, Wanna Taylor, who has worked at the Hotel for 20 years. In celebration of this milestone, the Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa team gathered together to surprise her with gifts including a gold bracelet, a bouquet of flowers, clothing vouchers and a spa getaway, as well as a spread of champagne, cake and nibbles.

Wanna Taylor works with the kitchen team behind Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa’s 2AA Rosette Restaurant, Squires, and has become one of the Hotel’s most valued members of staff.

Wanna commented on her surprise celebration: “When I started work at the Hotel 20 years ago, I could never have imagined that I would become so close to the people I work with. Every day I am surrounded by my friends, and this makes it a joy to come to work. I am overwhelmed with my beautiful gifts, but more than anything the team has made me feel very important and truly appreciated.”

The celebration was led by Noel Byrne, Chief Executive of Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa, who raised a glass to Wanna and presented her with her gifts. Noel said: “Wanna is a core member of the team and on behalf of everyone at Bedford Lodge Hotel & Spa and its owners I would like to congratulate her for contributing so much to the Hotel over her 20 years of employment. As well as working hard every single day, she is a little ray of sunshine in the Hotel and is always there to brighten up our days – we are so proud to have such a special staff member. ”

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