Wireless lighting can help cut corporate lighting costs by half

Wireless lighting can help cut corporate lighting costs by half

As much as 20% of building operations costs could be saved simply by reducing the time that lights are left on when no-one is there.

Lighting accounts for around 40% of building operation costs, and this can be a huge financial drain for companies.

Data shows that 50% of this lighting is actually wasted due to lights being on when they are not needed or when an area is unoccupied. However, this can be mitigated against through the use of wireless lighting.

Recent developments in wireless lighting technology allow companies to have custom control of the work environment by remotely managing the lighting levels and timings throughout the entire facility.

The ability to configure lighting so that it is only on when needed — and at a brightness necessary for the task and/or time of day — means companies can save up to 50% of the energy wasted due to lighting. This was highlighted in a piece recently published by British power solutions manufacturers CMD looking into the benefits of wireless lighting when renovating an old building.

Aside from the considerable energy saving benefits, wireless lighting also has the potential to solve another huge problem in the construction industry — namely, the need for major renovation when repurposing industrial buildings into offices.

The use of old building for new purposes has become a major trend in recent years. Wireless lighting can drastically reduce costs as it requires minimal installation, removing the need to disturb original features in order to install cabling. This also helps to retain the aesthetic benefits of the building; such aesthetics are often a major reason for repurposing a building in the first place.


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