CELEBRATIONS have taken place to mark the completion of remodelling works in Derbyshire which are predicted to increase sport activity by 62% across Tintwistle.

The newly remodelled Tintwistle Athletic FC building received £341,786 of funding from the Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund (PL/FA:FF). The PL/FA:FF is delivered by the Football Foundation and funded by the Premier League, The FA and the Government, via Sport England.

Sport England also awarded a further £75,000 towards the projects themselves. This funding was supported by LK2 Architects Ltd which drove the project forward and supported with its modern design.

The grants have enabled Tintwistle Athletic FC to make vital upgrades to its existing changing pavilion which now includes: two team changing rooms, two officials’ changing rooms, a clubroom, a kitchen, clubroom and spectator toilets and significant works to the grass pitches, funded by Sport England.

Andy Newman associate at LK2 said: “The newly remodelled pavilion has helped to create a stronger sense of community well-being in Tintwistle and will hopefully drive more people to use this fantastic facility. Thanks to the substantial funding, we have been able to help the club create a modern space which meets FA and Football Foundations specifications and is better equipped for diverse use by local people.”

The new pavilion is expected to help local clubs grow their number of teams, with plans for new female sides as well as expanding its youth section in the near future. Tintwistle Athletic has plans to utilise the pavilion as a community sports hub and will hire out its clubroom to other groups, including Derbyshire FA and other groups within the local area.

Jill Crossland club secretary at Tintwistle Athletic, said: “Our new clubhouse is absolutely stunning and will completely enhance the footballing experience for all our players, as well as providing a central hub where we can all meet to continue to develop the club. Andy at LK2 has overseen the project which has been built predominantly using local builders and tradesmen. The quality of the workmanship together with Andy’s experience have produced a building of exceptional quality that blends superbly in an extremely rural setting.”

Derbyshire County FA’s head of strategy & facilities, Keely Brown, said “I am immensely proud of the football club and in particular club secretary Jill Crossland whose commitment and dedication to see this project though has never wavered. The new facilities will make a massive difference to the club and whole community and I would like to congratulate all those involved.”

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